Powerful spiritual warfare quotes
"But this ain’t no physical battle we’re dealing with, no matter how much you may wish it to be, no matter how much better you’d feel if life was all five-senses and manageable. We are at spiritual war. So we need spiritual weapons." --Priscilla Shirer
"The first step on the way to victory is to recognize the enemy." --Corrie Ten Boom
"Help me, my God, to conquer the world within myself." --Nikolai Velimirovich
"Make no mistake: Satan’s specialty is psychological warfare. If he can turn us on God ('It’s not fair!'), or turn us on others ('It’s their fault!'), or turn us on ourselves ('I’m so stupid!'), we won’t turn on him. If we keep fighting within ourselves and losing our own inner battles, we’ll never have the strength to stand up and fight our true enemy." --Beth Moore
"Do not allow the spark of discord and enmity to smolder. The longer you wait, the more the enemy tries to cause confusion among you." --Macarius of Optina
"No matter how fierce the enemy seems–when fear cripples us, anger enrages us, or selfishness possesses us; when adversity crushes us, opposition hounds us, or temptation plagues us–God is greater." --Katy Kauffman
"You have to expect spiritual warfare whenever you stand up for righteousness or call attention to basic values. It's just a matter of light battling the darkness. But the light wins every time. You can't throw enough darkness on light to put it out." --Thomas Kinkade
"Loving people is the highest level of spiritual warfare that we could ever do." --Joyce Meyer
"After you have made a decision that is pleasing to God, the Devil may try to make you have second thoughts. Intensify your prayer time, meditation, and good deeds. For if Satan's temptations merely cause you to increase your efforts to grow in holiness, he'll have an incentive to leave you alone." --Ignatius of Loyola
"Take heed often to come together to give thanks to God and show forth His praise. For when you assemble frequently in the same place, the powers of Satan are destroyed, and the destruction at which he aims is prevented by the unity of your faith." --Ignatius of Antioch
"The saddest symptom about many so-called Christians is the utter absence of anything like conflict and fight against spiritual apathy in their Christianity." --J. C. Ryle
"If I were your enemy, I’d use every opportunity to bring old wounds to mind, as well as the people, events, and circumstances that caused them. I’d try to ensure that your heart was hardened with anger and bitterness. Shackled through unforgiveness." --Priscilla Shirer