Connecting and fellowshipping with more and more homes
At the day of Pentecost, Peter preached the gospel and 3,000 people received salvation. Immediately they started assembling from house after house, in every home. Up until that time (and even today), every major religion had their temple, holy places, or a dedicated building for worship. God’s assembly, however, was absolutely new and outside of religion.
The call was to assemble in every house. Instead of leaving normal life with family and friends to go to perform a “worship” service, God wants to embed Himself within His people in the midst of their human living. He wants to be in the middle of their most intimate, comfortable, relational, and transparent settings. Jesus is calling out people to assemble right there in each of their homes.
The assembly in the homes as described is different than today’s church. Typically a particular church will gather Christians that have similar doctrinal understanding and style of worship. It is also a place where they receive ministry from a particular Bible teacher or pastor; whereas, the home assembly as described in the New Testament consists of diverse believers gathered together to minister to one another in the one fellowship of Jesus Christ. Many Christians attend church and many do not, but whether you attend church or not, all should learn to fellowship and love one another in each others homes.
It is in such an atmosphere as described in Acts 2 that there is gladness, praising to God and favor with all people. It was such an attraction that people came to salvation daily. How wonderful are such home assemblies.
There are two chapters in the book ONE that search through the Scriptures concerning this matter. (click here)