16 quotes about the Body of Christ
"We may not see eye to eye, but we can walk hand in hand." --unknown "As Christians, God designed us to need each other - He designed us...

Powerful spiritual warfare quotes
"But this ain’t no physical battle we’re dealing with, no matter how much you may wish it to be, no matter how much better you’d feel if...

How much doctrinal agreement is needed for Christian unity?
When Christians begin to think about and discuss unity, the question of doctrine always comes up. How do we overcome doctrinal...

Spiritual gifts quotes
"As God's children, we are not to be observers; we're to participate actively in the Lord's work. Spectators sit and watch, but we are...

I thought I was strange till ekklesia showed me I'm normal
Too many people feel like Alejandro Jodorowsky, a Chilean-French filmmaker. He said: "I am not a normal person. I am living in a normal...

John Fawcett let the living water flow in the 1700s
In 1765, John and Mary Fawcett went to minister in Wainsgate, a rural English community, described as: "farmers and shepherds, poor as...

Allelon: Discovering One Anothering
The New Testament "one anothers" are instructions directing Christians how to relate to each another. They are based on the Greek word...

Quotes from Dietrich Bonhoeffer's "Life Together"
Quotes about Christian unity and community from Dietrich Bonhoeffer's famous book, "Life Together:" “If there is so much blessing and joy...

The power of being together quotes
“Love is when hearts beat together." --Dhonielle Clayton “For business and personal relationships to flourish, we must engage with the...

4 songs to sing away sectarianism
You can find all these songs on YouTube. Listening to them will help you sense the oneness of the body of Christ! Bind us Together Lord...