Since there are many independent home gatherings taking place in a particular area, we encourage and support events where believers from various home groups can meet and fellowship together. This networking and blending of believers from different homes enlarges the view of the body of Christ, increases appreciation of the diverse members of Christ, and grows the fellowship in Jesus Christ.
In the San Francisco Bay and the Sacramento area, we have been very encouraged by both the growth, numerically, as well as the spiritual growth that we have witnessed and experienced at these blending fellowship events. It is clear that Christ is among us and He is moving! This document is in response to requests for clarity on the principles directing these events. We are fully aware and even elated that these events are made up by a variety of brothers and sisters replete with different life stories, life experiences, practices, interpretations, etc. This is great because we know that in order to apprehend the vast dimensions of Christ, His love and be filled with God all (different kinds and types of) believers are needed (Eph 3:18-19). Hallelujah! So, this document is simply to explain the impetus behind these joyous gatherings, which is to share in and enjoy the abundant riches of Christ.
Purpose of Gathering: To provide a venue for believers of all walks of life to gather into the name of Jesus Christ in order to focus and uplift Him, alone, for the building up of His one body resulting in love, joy and peace for all participants.
The Testimony of Gathering: All those in the faith of Jesus Christ are one as the Father and the Son are one; though each member functions individually, there is only one body. All the members love one another as Christ has loved each one and this oneness causes the world to believe in Jesus Christ (John 17:21).
The Environment: Informal, welcoming, relaxing, open, safe, flexible, and more akin to a family reunion or a networking event than a religious service.
Participants: All are welcome, including those meeting in home assemblies (organic, simple or house churches), various institutional Christian churches, and individuals or unbelievers that may not be meeting with any groups at all.
Personal Connections: One value to these events is for individuals to personally connect with people that s/he doesn’t know. We encourage everyone to reach out to others that are different than themselves, whether in age, ethnicity or Christian background, in order to get to know one another, fellowship and pray together.
Guide for Gathering: There are typically two types of gatherings when we meet together: one large group and smaller breakout groups (4-5 people). The goal in both is to create a space where each member, new or old, feels free to share her or his Christ-centered experiences with the larger group; therefore, here are the guidelines for these gatherings:
Everyone is encouraged to have the freedom and boldness to speak, pray and sing what is in their heart (1 Cor. 14:26). All are responsible to follow the moving of the Spirit within since we do not follow a rigid format. We strongly encourage all to participate by: singing a solo, singing with others to the larger group, praying, explaining song lyrics or testifying between songs, bringing a testimony, teaching, or revelation, reading a verse or calling a song.
We only express one caution: That individuals do not dominate the time. In the big gatherings, if an individual speaks beyond 3 minutes, s/he may be interrupted (1Cor 14:30). In the small group gatherings, all are responsible to encourage and allow time for each to participate and contribute.
The Spirit of the Lord is speaking through the members of His body, yet it is incumbent on each believer to discern others’ speaking through the indwelling Spirit. (1 Cor. 14:29) It is possible that a particular speaking may encourage one, yet discourage another.
Since believers are gathered from numerous backgrounds and everyone has the liberty to speak what is on their heart, it is inevitable that each of us will eventually hear something contrary to our respective beliefs: spiritual, scriptural, or secular. In this instance, we encourage the hearer to discern whether what was spoken should be accepted as from the Lord, while receiving the speaker in love. Opportunities like these are invaluable for our experience of the oneness and brotherly love.
Leadership: Everyone is encouraged to be part of the “leadership” in accomplishing the purpose stated above. Lead by any means to keep the atmosphere one of uplifting Jesus Christ for the harmony of the one body among believers. Jesus Christ is truly the Head of his body; therefore, when there seems to be a lack of organized leadership in these events, He has the freedom to be fully in charge. Whoever has a burden for these gatherings may “take the lead” or coordinate with others to lead.
Attitude and Result: Our attitude in gathering should be “with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit…” (Eph 4:2-4). “Finally, brothers, rejoice, aim for restoration, comfort one another, agree with one another, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you” (2Co 13:11). We do not have an ultimate goal of organizing or federating believers or home groups into a special alliance or movement; to lift up one particular ministry over another; to settle on one structure or unified liturgy of worship for meeting among home gatherings, or to endorse any particular doctrines or practices other than what had been listed in this document.
Occasional Workshops: The purpose of workshops is to provide practical help to those interested in growing and spreading home assemblies. A scriptural based presentation with related practices should be given for consideration and fellowship for the attendees. Any practices presented should not end in theory, but should be accompanied by at least one testimony from a family or home assembly that has benefited and can testify of its effectiveness.
Blending Fellowship Events

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity!.…
(Psalms 133:1)