What We Do​
Vision and Dream: Reset to ONE; Revival Next
Message: ONE through the three gifts of Jesus Christ in John 17
Advocate the message of “ONE through three gifts.”
Encouraging and helping to grow assemblies in the homes from house to house
Supporting blending events for diverse believers to enjoy the one fellowship in Jesus Christ.
We are dedicated to the advancing and the manifestation of ONEness according to the Lord’s prayer in John 17. Jesus Christ prayed that all His believers, no matter how diverse and dissimilar, would be ONE as He and the Father are one. This oneness is the building up of the assembly (ekklesia), His body. It was promised in His prayer that through this oneness the world may know and believe Jesus Christ.
In the Lord’s prayer He gave His people three gifts: eternal life, truth, and His glory. Our message is “ONE through three gifts.” By receiving and enjoying these three gifts, diverse people can miraculously become ONE.
The word “reset” is used to communicate that many believers are distracted from the simple faith of Jesus Christ and from His singular new commandment “that you love one another as I have loved you” (John 13:34). As a result, Christians have been struggling with divisions in the body of Christ for almost 2000 years. This was not so in the beginning. The result of the faith and love among His people was immediately manifested as ONE accord right at the start of Acts with the initiation of the assembly (ekklesia).
Due to the believers’ oneness and assembling in the homes from house to house, they were exceedingly joyful, had favor with all the people, and daily, individuals around them were getting saved (Acts 2:46-47). That was the fulfillment of the Lord’s prayer: when His people are ONE then “the world may know” Jesus Christ (John 17:23). The Spirit’s goal of revival is to bring exceeding joy to His people and salvation to the world. Therefore, “revival” is used to highlight the normal condition of believers in ONEness.
According to Scriptures, we understand and promote the vision that the assembly, the one body of Christ, exists and should be practiced in the homes, from house to house. We also recognize that God is using many organized churches for the gospel and other good work. The one fellowship of the assembly practiced among believers should cross all barriers of race, politics, socioeconomic status, doctrinal practices, and denominational affiliations.
One Body Life is not affiliated with any denominations or particular Christian groups. We have no intention to organize another defined group or federate independent home assemblies. We have a strong conviction that outside control or management of any independent home groups will impede the Holy Spirit’s work and move in each believer. It will also hinder the maturing of believers in the assembly to become leaders by example. Our goal is to join together in the one fellowship of Jesus Christ. We simply want to support and network any individuals and organic groups for ONEness as described in John 17.
We are convicted according to Scriptures that no assembly of believers should belong to or be controlled by any ministries. It is up to the conviction of each believer which ministries they should receive guidance from and which they are led to support.
We are convinced that we are still learning how to enter into the oneness among believers that will bring in the release of enjoyment of Christ among believers and bring on the next revival. Therefore, as we network with more and more believers and groups, we will continue to receive guidance from the Spirit and learn from all our fellowship with others.
Donations can be designated to specifically the following:
Events for greeting and blending between believers
Support of assemblies in homes
Promote and spread the message of ONE. 100% of book sales revenue generated through all channels will be used toward fulfilling the goals of this ministry
Note: One Body Life is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All donations to One Body Life is a charitable contribution deduction against your income tax if you itemize deductions.