"ONE" on "ONE"
The book, ONE, actually talks about itself. Check these quotes out:
"What is highlighted in this book is not just a vision. There are many practical actions that need to be taken in order to fulfill the heavenly vision of ONE."
"It is our hope that the mater of ONEness among people and specifically among the followers of Jesus Christ becomes a major topic of conversation."
"Let's consider the Bible with fresh eyes without the distorted lens of historical Christianity. Let's pray that the readers of this book will hit 'reset' and return to the beginning and become one."
"The author is not advocating an ecumenical movement where all Christian churches work out their differences to come under one unbrella organization. Rather, the oneness among believers does not need to be organized. Loving one another in one body is innate in each believer, based on the life of Jesus Christ in each one."
"The author hopes that through this book many more believers will be inspired and find real joy in the building up of the assembly from house to house; according to God's eternal purpose. For those already practicing the assembly in a home, this book will serve as a way of trading notes so that believers can learn and network together in the one fellowship of Jesus Christ. Let's pray and live expecting the next and last revival. Reset to ONE; revival next!"
"I have no doubt that after reading this book -- if all the verses highlighted and the thoughts behind them are understood -- you will be motivated to commit yourself to living and serving toward God's purpose."
"This book, ONE, is not intended to be a concluding word, nor a terminal definition of the practice of oneness among Christians. Rather, our hope is that it will be a catalyst for expanding fellowship that would allow the Spirit to move freely among God's people for new and fresh discoveries, insights, and experiences."
"Quote from this book and reference it through your social media postings. Use it to start and expand on the topics of ONE; life, truth, and glory."
From the Foreword: "ONE! The simplicity of this title provides strategic insight into Henry Hon's thinking and the contents of this book. It is a clear call for every believer, though God's empowering grace and our inspired obedience, to become the answer to the prayer that Jesus prayed to our Father. '. . . that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me.' --John 17:23" --Gaylord Enns, author of "Love Revolution: Rediscovering the Lost Command of Jesus"