ONE: A call for ordinary people to speak out about Christ!
You've probably seen some of these statements about how God uses everyday people. They are often shared on social media: Moses stuttered.
Miriam was a gossip.
Jonah ran from God.
Leah was unattractive.
Paul saw himself as the "chief of sinners."
Peter was impulsive.
Martha was a worrier.
Sampson was codependent.
Joseph was abused.
John Mark was rejected by Paul.
Zaccheus was short.
Naomi was a widow.
Thomas had his doubts.
Jacob was a cheater.
Elijah was moody.
Sara was impatient.
Abraham was too old.
History shows that everyday people (like you and me) are powerful and can do amazing things. Take the last two people on that list:
Abraham lied because he was afraid of the Pharaoh in Egypt, yet almost half the world now looks to him as the father of their faith. Sara, Abraham's wife, was childless and was so impatient that she gave up on God's promise (and even laughed at it) and talked Abraham into having a child by another woman; yet God still gave her a child and made her the matriarch of multitudes.
Another example of an ordinary person who God greatly used was Francis of Assisi who lived in the 12th century. Some people actually thought he was a sissy and accused him of disserting the army during the Crusades. Francis was a broken man, but found Christ and began to follow Him and to minister Christ's love to others. He was never ordained as a priest (so he ways an ordinary "layman"), but God used him to start a mighty spiritual movement that has impacted many millions of people worldwide, even into the 21st century. Watch the amazing movie about Francis called "Brother Sun, Sister Moon."
So guess what? God wants to use you! A few minutes ago the Holy Spirit put it on my heart to take a picture of a tiny statue of Francis of Assisi along with the book ONE. One of the themes of ONE is about how God wants to use ordinary people to minister the love of Christ to one another.
After taking that picture, I turned on my computer and went to Twitter. The very first thing that I saw at the top of my feed was the second picture below. How unlikely is that! I don't believe seeing that flyer with St. Francis in bold print, was a coincidence. I believe it was conformation from God that He wants to boldly use YOU! And NOW is the time! Will you LET HIM?
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