A handbook for house church.
For those who like the idea of house church, but can't find one and/or don't know how to start one, there is great news. ONE is really a house church handbook. It's full of practical and theological ideas about meeting together with other believers in someone's home.
A lot of people are looking for more than church as usual -- and for various reasons. Many people have been hurt by church; some deeply hurt. Others just have an inner longing for deeper fellowship than hearing a sermon together.
But what can people who want something more than church do? After all, there really hasn't been a good alternative to the traditional church model which is based on passively hearing a sermon.
Well, a great alternative is house church. It's not just a small version of the traditional one-man-preaching model. House church is much more than that. It is based on a group of people coming together to love, encourage, and support one another in the safety of a home.
It's like a Christian support group. People come together and share what God puts on their heart. They really get to know one another and learn to truly care about and appreciate one another.
The first Christians met in homes. Going back to worship God in homes can help reconnect us with the roots of our faith and with the risen Jesus who lives in our fellow believers.
So, to learn more get a copy of ONE in paperback or Kindle @ http://amzn.to/2iWYJdc