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Volunteer -- One Hour For ONE!

Will you commit to doing one of these activities for one hour per week?

--One hour for ONE!--

Here are several ways that you can have a powerful role in spreading the message of ONE. Read through them, pray about them. Then commit to doing one of them for one hour per week.

Together we can help spread heart-felt unity and community in Christ by getting the word out about ONE. Please join our volunteer group on Facebook (ONE for God's purpose -- Volunteer Group) so we can encourage each other and share effective strategies with one another.

Choose something from this list to do once a week:

Social Media:

1) Find a quote you like from the book ONE and share it (along with an Amazon link to ONE) on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, etc. You can also share it in FB groups and pages and in other social media's groups. Here's a sample:

“All believers need to become teachers, shepherds, ministers, and good-news-bearers.” --From the book ONE: Unfolding God's Eternal Purpose From House To House @"

(To find more quotes from ONE, google: ONE: Unfolding God's Eternal Purpose quotes Goodreads.)

2) Like the ONE Body Life Facebook Page and join the ONE Body Life Facebook Group. Then participate by regularly making comments on posts and/or making your own posts about ONE. Click "Invite your friends" so they can also join in the conversations. Also click share on the posts you like and share them on your personal page and on other pages.

3) Send each of your social media friends a private and personal message about ONE: Unfolding God's Eternal Purpose From House To House and tell them that it is available on Amazon. This can be done on Facebook, Twitter, & other social media. If you just do this for a few people each week, it will impact lots of your friends in a year. Here's a sample:

"Hey, George. How have you been? (Add something personal here.) I thought you might be interested in a book I've been reading about how people can come together in unity and heart-felt community. It's called ONE: Unfolding God's Eternal Purpose From House To House and is available on Amazon. Check it out. Steve"

4) You can also text and/or email your friends a personal, individual message about ONE: Unfolding God's Eternal Purpose From House To House. Set a goal to send it to all your contacts (a few at a time) over the coming year. And don't forget to phone your friends and tell them ONE. Also share about ONE with people who you see in person in various settings, like, church, work, social events, family gatherings, coffee shops, lunch, school, clubs and organizations.

Other Internet Activities

5) Search the web for Christian blogs. Find one or two (or more) blogs per week that are on a subject related to ONE. Make a comment that matches the blog and then add something like this:

"I've been reading an interesting book on this subject called ONE: Unfolding God's Eternal Purpose From House To House To House." Use your own creativity.

Instead of making a comment, you can also find the blog's "contact" button and then click and leave a private message for the author telling her/him about the book ONE (using the entire name) and suggesting that she/he write a book review about ONE.

6) Search the web for Christian podcasts. Then find the "contact" button and leave a private message recommending the book ONE: Unfolding God's Eternal Purpose From House To House and recommending that they consider the author, Henry Hon, as a possible guest on their program.

7) Go to the ONE Body Life webpage @ and sign up. Explore the site. It includes blog posts, podcasts, videos, activities, and information. Share one thing from the site on several social media sites every week.

8) Search the web for Christian ministries. There are many thousands of them around the world. Go to their "contact" button and send them a response or an email. Thank them for what they do to overcome divisions in the body of Christ. Then tell them about ONE: Unfolding God's Eternal Purpose From House To House. (Always use the full name of the book so people can find it on Amazon.)

Some ministries will list their staff and give either an email or a response button where you can send individual staff members a personal message and info about ONE: Unfolding Gods Eternal Purpose From House To House.

Things to do once (or occasionally) -- AMAZON & Goodreads & YouTube

1) Amazon: Go to the ONE: Unfolding God's Eternal Purpose From House To House page on Amazon. Give ONE a 5-star rating. Write a book review of One and post it on Amazon. Ask your friends to write and post a review of ONE on Amazon. This question follows each review: "Was this review helpful to you?" Answer "Yes" for all the positive reviews.

2) Go to ONE on Goodreads (search ONE: Unfolding God's Eternal Purpose Goodreads). Give ONE a 5-star rating. Write a short review of ONE. Join the site and make some friends. Recommend ONE to Goodreads friends. Post quotes from ONE on Goodreads. Share the Goodreads ONE page and ONE quotes page on social media.

3) Go to YouTube. Share links about ONE where appropriate.

You can also use your own ideas!

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We are dedicated to the advancing and the manifestation of ONE according to the Lord’s prayer in John 17. Jesus Christ prayed that all His believers, no matter how diverse and dissimilar, would be ONE as He and the Father are ONE. 

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