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Hi there! In case you are not yet aware, Henry has started doing some podcasts with different guests. The discussions are related to the book, ONE, which covers virtually all the major topics relating to life, truth and service. You can access the podcasts on: or on iTunes or TuneIn. Will you like to be a guest on the podcast? Please send a mail to

What about One?

I’ll like to highlight two crucial points from the second podcast by Henry and Jeremy. The first is that it appears Jesus’ passionate prayer for the oneness of all believers has been completely relegated out of public discourse in Christian circles. Believers have virtually given up on the idea that believers can and should be one. The general attitude is “Let’s just forget about it. Only the Lord Himself can do something somehow, but there’s really nothing we can do. So, let’s not even talk about it. Yes, it’s there in scripture; but let’s not go there. Let sleeping dogs lie” – that sort of thing.

But having that attitude is like saying Jesus’ prayer doesn’t mean anything, which, of course, is not true. If any prayer is to be answered at all, surely, it is the prayer of the only begotten Son of God. So, it is very important that believers begin to consider this matter more intently. There are hundreds of thousands of pastors and ministers who concentrate on just about every other issue in Christendom: evangelism, healing, mission, prayer, social action etc. But this prayer for our oneness is left to the winds. So, the book, ONE, is a clarion call for believers to begin to ask ourselves: “What about one? What about this prayer of the Lord? Should we not bring it up for discussion? Or have we just given up?” It won't just happen automatically; we must, in the words of Brother Paul, "Endeavor".

I will build my Assembly

The second point I wish to highlight from the podcast is their discussion around Matt. 16:13-18. Henry pointed out from that passage that being a Christian starts with believing that Jesus is the Son of God, just as Peter declared. But observe that the very next revelation has to do with His purpose: to build up the Ekklesia: “I will build my Assembly and the gates of hades shall not prevail against it.” Building up the ONE Body is the most important issue that all believers should focus on and that is what the book, ONE, is entirely about.

Please enjoy the rest of the podcast; and there are now two new exciting podcasts featuring Rachel Sims, Henry’s biological daughter. Help spread the word: comment, like and share!

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We are dedicated to the advancing and the manifestation of ONE according to the Lord’s prayer in John 17. Jesus Christ prayed that all His believers, no matter how diverse and dissimilar, would be ONE as He and the Father are ONE. 

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