What would Luther hang on a church door today?
It has been 500 years since Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses on the door of All Saints' Church in Wittenburg, Germany on October 31,...

Reset to ONE: Revival Next!
In John 17, Jesus seems to tie the unity of Christians to the world believing that He is truly sent from God. Jesus prayed: "My prayer is...

Here's one person's view of ONE from her Amazon review:
"When You Read This Book, You'll Want To Start Your Own House Church!" By Lisa H. April 18, 2017 -- Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase...

Power Words from ONE
“Consider the fruit of the Spirit; that is what the Christian life should be.” “All believers need to become teachers, shepherds,...

Living water is a dynamo flow, not a bottling plant
Bottled water is nice; but it is very limited and controlled. It's good to give bottled water to thirsty people, but if done continually,...

August Weekend Vacation Fellowship
Announcing the next Weekend Vacation Fellowship in Northern California: 18-20 August in Pleasanton, CA. The Vacation Fellowship usually...

It's Not Me (a response to Philip)
(This is a response to what Philip van Dijk wrote about his experiences of being "mentored" in a blog posted in www.onebody.life.) It was...

ONE: My Testimony of Rediscovering Jesus Christ
In late November 2016, I had the privilege of being introduced to Henry Hon, the author of this book in review, by Jon Zens, also an...

“ONE” – A Practical Road map to Oneness among Believers
(My response to Richard Jacobsen’s question on the Unchurching Facebook group about Henry’s book) ---------------------------------------...

In Henry's interview by Frank Viola, Henry explains why there is very little in Christian public space written about God's eternal...