Unity in Christ: What blocks it & what unlocks it!
We recently asked two questions on our ONE Body Life Facebook Page about unity in Christ. We got a great response and amazing answers to...

Fresh Expressions--A Christian movement built on unity, not uniformity
For several years, I've been excited about a Christian movement that is releasing oneness in the body of Christ by combining...

Your invisible enemy says: "Drop your weapons!"
People who try to avoid morally wrong thoughts, words, and behaviors, soon discover that they have an invisible, inner enemy that...

Hope for unity in Old Testament divisiveness
Christ came to reconcile us to God and to one another. The New Testament has much to say about unity and love for one another. But what...

9 quotes that add up to ONE-ness!
Here are 9 quotations that all add up to 1! Which one do you like best? "Only humility will lead us to unity, and unity to peace."...

Oneness in the Spirit brought 2 million people to Christ in 1857-1858
Jeremiah Lanphier, a businessman, started a daily, noon prayer meeting in New York City. It was based on oneness in Christ rather than on...

Oneness--God produced unity isn't fishy!
If you're fishing for unity in the body of Christ, bait with your heart, not with minute theological details! To experience reel unity,...

Did raising Cain wreck humanity's unity?
Who wrecked the unity, love, and harmony in the Garden of Eden? Well, Adam blamed Eve. Then Eve blamed the serpent, but the serpent...

A guide to guilt-free living
Got guilt? If so, it's not a psychological problem that you need to just get over, medicate, deny, or justify. Guilt is ethical reality....

Is there a more important question than; "Where do you go to church?"
So much emphasis among Christians is placed on "going to church." (Billy Graham even used to tell people, "Attend the church of your...