Closer to Jesus = closer to each other
Here's a simple illustration of how we can experience more unity in the body of Christ. As you get closer to the living Jesus and I get...

Breaking down the "bond of peace."
To often we let the "bond of peace" break down in the body of Christ. Paul wrote in Ephesians 4:3 that we should be "Endeavoring to keep...

A head-trip or a heart-flip
Jesus said: "The light of the body is the eye." So let's turn around and Look into each other's eyes With unveiled faces, And experience...

Unity in Christ: What blocks it & what unlocks it!
We recently asked two questions on our ONE Body Life Facebook Page about unity in Christ. We got a great response and amazing answers to...

9 quotes that add up to ONE-ness!
Here are 9 quotations that all add up to 1! Which one do you like best? "Only humility will lead us to unity, and unity to peace."...

Oneness--God produced unity isn't fishy!
If you're fishing for unity in the body of Christ, bait with your heart, not with minute theological details! To experience reel unity,...

Did raising Cain wreck humanity's unity?
Who wrecked the unity, love, and harmony in the Garden of Eden? Well, Adam blamed Eve. Then Eve blamed the serpent, but the serpent...

"Crazy Bible Stuff" video series talks about the book "ONE"
The Bible says that we are all one in Christ. But how can that be since there are tens of thousands of Christian denominations and...

Powerful keynote about ekklesia from our ONE in Messiah Conference
Here's the keynote from our ONE in Messiah Conference last weekend. It's a powerful talk about the New Testament concept of ekklesia....