16 quotes about the Body of Christ
"We may not see eye to eye, but we can walk hand in hand." --unknown "As Christians, God designed us to need each other - He designed us...

Closer to Jesus = closer to each other
Here's a simple illustration of how we can experience more unity in the body of Christ. As you get closer to the living Jesus and I get...

Hey, y'all! (Discovering the plural "you" in the New Testament)
In English, the word "you" is both singular and plural. (Y'all, yous, you guys, are all colloquial.) This fact often causes confusion,...

Is the body of Christ "built together" or "fallen apart"?
This is how the body of Christ looks to the world . . . This is Jesus' prayer for all Christians in John 17:20-23: "I pray also for those...

4 songs to sing away sectarianism
You can find all these songs on YouTube. Listening to them will help you sense the oneness of the body of Christ! Bind us Together Lord...

"Crazy Bible Stuff" video series talks about the book "ONE"
The Bible says that we are all one in Christ. But how can that be since there are tens of thousands of Christian denominations and...

Unanimity is hard to say (and to do). Unity's easier.
Unanimity is a word that can be difficult to say. However, it's even harder to do. A simple definition of unanimity is: "agreement by all...

Ekklesia--The Vision Of ONEness (video)
Here's another inspiring video from our ONE in Messiah Conference where Henry Hon talks about his vision of ONEness in the body of...

Powerful keynote about ekklesia from our ONE in Messiah Conference
Here's the keynote from our ONE in Messiah Conference last weekend. It's a powerful talk about the New Testament concept of ekklesia....

Rick Warren says Christians are "failing at unity." Are we?
Many walls divide Christians -- church walls, doctrinal walls, pride walls, racial walls, organizational walls. However, Jesus wants us...