The Heavenly Vision
Where [there is] no vision, the people perish…
– Proverbs 29:18 KJV
But rise and stand on your feet; for I have appeared to you for this purpose, to make you a minister and a witness…to open their eyes, [in order] to turn [them] from darkness to light, and [from] the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in Me.
Therefore, King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision.
– Acts 26:16, 18–19
Have you seen ONE? Have you seen this heavenly vision from the Lord after considering all the verses highlighted in this book? Proverbs says that God’s people need a vision so that they will not perish. Other translations say that without a vision, people will have no restraint. God’s people need a controlling vision. Without a controlling vision, there is no guidance. This will cause a person to flounder; there will be nothing to restrain them from living a destructive or at least an unproductive spiritual life.
Paul, on the other hand, could declare that he was not disobedient to the heavenly vision that the Lord showed him. God appeared to Paul to make him a minister and a witness, that he would turn people from darkness to light, from the power of Satan to God, and bring forgiveness of sins. What a calling and what a vision! God is giving this same vision to all His people and calling them to rise up and stand on their feet. Have you seen this heavenly vision? Will you rise up? Will you be a minister and a witness with the life and power of God to bring people around you into the righteousness, peace and joy of the Holy Spirit? Will you be a person bringing people into ONE?
The Vision of the One Body
I have no doubt that after reading this book—if all the verses highlighted and the thoughts behind them are understood—you will be motivated to commit yourself to living and serving toward God’s purpose. Are you seeing this vision of God’s eternal purpose of the oneness among believers as the building up of the Lord’s body, the assembly? Seeing this vision will fundamentally change your view toward other believers, toward the world around you, and toward your own earthly purposes. Seeing and living according to God’s purpose and keeping this as a priority, will make clear your own personal pursuits and goals, whether earthly or spiritual. You will have peace, joy, and life direction as you align yourself to God’s eternal purpose as clearly unveiled in the Scriptures.
The oneness as unveiled in John 17 is the building up of the Lord’s body. Receiving God’s eternal life is for this. Knowing and understanding the truth is for this. And receiving the Lord’s glory is for this. If you see this, then you will also see how many things among Christians are being used by Satan to distract believers from this oneness. Keeping and obeying this vision will cause you to stay true and put away all distracting things, no matter how scriptural they may be. You will live and take action according to the heavenly vision of the building up of His assembly.
The heavenly vision will cause you to enjoy and steadily grow in the divine eternal life through eating, drinking, breathing, exercising, and sleeping. You will love the truth, which is the knowledge of Jesus Christ. This love will cause you to study the Bible with a hunger to expand your knowledge of the truth, and to have your mind renewed by it, so that you will be on a solid foundation for the building of the assembly. Finally, you will find joy and purpose in serving and ministering Jesus Christ to people for salvation and building. There is glory in being nothing but a servant in God’s purpose. In this glory, self-pride is absent; you will be a peace-maker in the body of Christ—a humble, yet peaceful and joyful servant. Your function is truly as a member of Christ to fulfill the mission of accomplishing God’s eternal purpose.
Take Action
…but the people who know their God shall stand firm and take action.
– Daniel 11:32 ESV
What is highlighted in this book is not just a vision. There are many practical actions that need to be taken in order to fulfill the heavenly vision of ONE. For growth of life, eating, drinking, breathing, exercising, and sleeping must occur; action is needed. For the practice of the assembly, action is needed to expand the one fellowship with other believers. And certainly for a life in the Lord’s glory, action is needed to be a minister—in sharing the gospel, in cherishing, in discipling, and in the building up of an assembly in the homes, house by house.
If you know God and His purpose, and you are ready to take action, one of the best ways for consistency is to connect with or find companions that have the same heavenly vision and together take action. To do this, it is recommended that you gather a few people together as a study/action group and go over the verses with the associated points in this book chapter by chapter. Set up a regular time (once a week preferably) to consider and fellowship over the verses. It is not a matter of whether you agree with all the points; the exercise to fellowship and pray over what is presented through the Scriptures in these chapters will cause a fresh move of the Lord in your group.
I can assure you with testimonies that if you do this even with just one or two other people, you will be instrumental in the building up of an assembly according to the Scriptures that is living, functioning, fruitful, and full of the joy of the Lord.
Remember, this study/action group can include those attending institutional churches, those already meeting in homes, or even those unassociated with any groups. What you will build up is an independent assembly that exists in oneness with all believers, with no human hierarchy, and where everyone can function just as they are as a member of Christ.
The study/action group itself should be considered as a class to learn and have accountability among companions. It is what you will do outside of this class that is the building up of the assembly. If you will practice according to what is highlighted chapter by chapter, within 4–8 months you will be able to testify to a transformation in your living—a witness to the Lord using you for the building up of his body, the assembly. Something fresh and dynamic of the Holy Spirit will transpire as you take action in accordance to the heavenly vision.
Let’s have the same dream: Reset to ONE; Revival Next!
May the Lord’s Prayer in John 17 continue to be fulfilled through you. May the Lord Jesus bless you and be with you. Grace and peace to you. Amen.